Don’t let men steal your time from creating and writing and being and rising and reaching every bit of potential you have. Goddamn, I am so fucking intelligent. I am so fucking capable. Why did I give away my power so easily? (Thoughts while reading The Bell Jar)

October 10, 2024

I drink coffee like it would kill me to remember your promises.

September 2024

Maybe, for whatever reason, unknown to you now, you were born a writer. You were born to string words together. And maybe, for some unknown reason, you are supposed to string those words together in obscurity. It’s your birthright. It has always felt like your birthright. Accept it. Hold it as you would any fragile gift, and use it without fear.

August 18, 2024

We have a humane society that takes in stray animals and houses them and feeds them until they find new homes, but nothing even close to that for people who need a little help to get back on their feet. Poverty is not a crime to be punished, but a circumstance to be changed with support.

July 28, 2024

We came to social media to fulfill a human need to be seen and heard. Most of us are still not seen or heard and I think that creates a feeling of rejection or invalidation that makes us try harder. We end up creating more content for the billionaires while we are still screaming into the void. I believe it’s set up this way to keep us coming back.

June 22, 2024

Seriously, I just want to create – poetry, collage, photography, whatever – and share it. I want to put it on social media and share it with other people who are doing the same thing. I don’t want what I create to train AI. Mainly because I hate AI, but also because AI is taxing on the environment. What are we doing as artists to create and share, but not train AI? Seriously! Mastodon and Bluesky are options, but right now everyone is here.

June 21, 2024

Genocide, war, equality, rights – these things get labeled “political” when they are literally the things that impact the very life of other people or ourselves. Politics is what decides if we live freely or under fascism. Whether we have health care or not. It decides if minorities are protected or lynched. Whether bombs are dropped on children or if we agree that all life is valuable. “Politics” is our voice against evil. Every human, no matter their profession or passion, has a right to that voice and should be free to use it as loudly as they are called to do.

December 31, 2023

Sitting down to a blank page is like going to work in your underwear. People may like what they see, or they’ll laugh or tell you where to buy a better fitting bra. When we write, especially when we share, we open ourselves to the harsh reality of standing in a room, exposed.

December 30, 2023

What if all the humans left the internet, except for bill paying and personal things? What if we let the AI generated content and all of the ads get likes and traffic from the porn bots. Let the algorithms feed themselves on machine made content only consumed by other machines? Would the internet continue on while humans read real books by real people and talked to each other again? We are headed to a place where AI is going to get so good at content creation and deepfakes that we are at risk of getting sucked into an attention dominating black hole, but where right now it’s human made content pulling us in, soon it will all be machine made to cater to our very specific tastes. Machines entertaining us with machine made content while ads scroll by. Who are the people that really want that future?? The ones set to make the most money from it. At any cost.

December 29, 2023

I love it when the house is so quiet I can hear my water sparkling.

November 17, 2023

How much have I been altered by the media I consumed as a child/teenager? All the books, movies, TV shows, and love songs? How much of my dialogue was written in a script in the 80s? Are my expectations of relationships based in a scripted, unrealistic ideal?

How many slogans, jingles, live rent free in your head? How much are you affected by the ads you see without realizing? How much do we allow ads and corporations to decide the things that bond us together as a society? TV shows we watch, movies we see, songs chosen for us to hear, jingles and ads that are the glue of generations. Products we all remember from the specific point in history that was our childhood. How much does this shape our collective experience? How are we divided by them?

November 4, 2023

I don’t want to be a poet today. Or a writer. I don’t want to be a reader or a creator of anything. I don’t want to be a mother, a wife, a daughter, a student, or even a friend. I don’t want to be a housekeeper, a chauffeur, a cook, or a planner. I don’t want to think or dream or regret. I don’t want to fill my ears with the music I love. I don’t want to be a perimenopausal middle aged woman. I don’t want a label today. Please, just let me be.{ title : overwhelm }

October 14, 2023

New Kids on the Block should be renamed Old Men on the Medicare. 😆

August 31, 2023

The Secret to Life:
pay attention
love what you love
share what you love
create something
share that
repeat enthusiastically

July 17, 2023

We are the latest of a people once new, who’ve forgotten most of what we once knew.

July 16, 2023

Questions the Kids Asked on Vacation

What percentage of the world’s fresh water is in the Great Lakes?
Is it illegal to kill your dog in Idaho?
How long does it take to canoe to Canada?
Do you need to take a test to get a fishing license?
Do you need a license to bowl in Wisconsin?
One in how many fish is a tuna?

September 13, 2022

I actually have receipts in my purse again. It gives me a strange joy to find them, look to see what they were for, and crumple them up and throw them away. (post pandemic quarantine joys)

June 16, 2021

I want to lighten the world,
 to erase the creeping darkness.
 I want to create a space of beauty. A space that promotes what I love,
 rather than highlights what I hate. If we focused solely on what feeds our souls,
could we not rid the world of what eats at them?

February 28, 2021

Names for my imaginary band:

pop: The Fuzzy Peppermints
indie: Rustic Church
punk: Graphic Blandishment
all girl pop punk: Yeah Nadia

Can a society that measures time by wars achieve peace?

April 1, 2017

Paying the bill at dinner last night:

Husband: Do you have any ones?
Me: Go fish.

February 18, 2017

If I were a number, I’d be a non-terminating decimal.

January 30, 2017

Everyone deserves someone who looks at them the way Barack Obama looks at Michelle!

January 10, 2017

Go outside spontaneously when it’s freezing and you will become a whim-sicle.

December 12, 2016

My mind can’t think in poetry when the pockets of silence are shallow.

September 6, 2016

Tiny sunburn on my legs makes me think I like the moonlight so much more.

August 2, 2016

Dog, plane, lawnmower, car, garbage truck, ambulance – where is the silence?

June 30, 2016

Doesn’t saying “color scheme” make it seem like the colors are all plotting a scam of some kind?

June 15, 2016

Have you ever been nurtured?
Have you?

Most things exist between the extremes.

What could be waiting for you to arrive?

I think it says a lot about how my New Year’s resolutions are going that I’m just thinking of waiting until tomorrow and turning them into Lunar New Year’s resolutions.

Let a little more life into your days, so that when you are at the end of that life, you may draw upon the well of experience and drink from memory.

You have the right to keep your secrets. To secretly dream, to secretly love, to secretly hate. They, and your body, are the only things you own outright.

I feel like the older I get the more I want to live and speak authentically. I don’t want to censor myself or be someone I’m not anymore.

If a cat eats a moth, is it like when we eat a powdered donut?

If only I could pursue my current goals with the tenacity of 12 year old me calling the radio station over and over for a solid week trying to win Huey Lewis and the News tickets.

I am the only person on a planet of almost 8 billion who just saw a chipmunk taking a bath on my back patio. For all the terrible things happening all at once, there are also so many small astonishments out there if only we take the time to really look.

Do not let age put out your fire. Do not silence yourself. Do not become cold. Do not become hard. Stay soft, stay curious, stay playful. Become fierce with the passing years.

The world is full of people who have no idea how technology works. Who have no idea how to research basic information. They are electing other people like them who have no idea how anything works. And the rest of us are being held hostage by their ignorance and thirst for power. It’s terrifying.

Social Media has created a world where we strive to be right instead of kind.

We share with strangers things we are too afraid to share with friends.

We’re living in a sandcastle, pretending the tide will never come.

It helps to remember that no one else knows what the fuck they are doing either.

Mirror, mirror on the wall – you’re so focused on looks, you judgmental jerk.

Society keeps you caged with the illusion of freedom.

I feel like I’m at the age where I need to start asking myself just what kind of old lady I want to be.

Reconnecting with people you haven’t talked to since high school is like the awkward reunion episode of a long cancelled TV show.

I wonder if clouds ever look down on us and say “Hey, look! That one is shaped like
an idiot.”

I sat for an hour in a quiet house of bird song and wind, mom mode off. Reading of injustice and the way hearts and minds reroute and heal from destruction. Outraged at the lack of empathic response in humans who house a brain wired for connection.