Why add my voice to the cacophony of voices?

Because my head is always full of words and I need to lay them down somewhere. I am a poet. A lifelong reader. A lazy Buddhist. A music lover. A mom. An introvert. I am someone who remains curious, overthinks, and talks too much. That’s what this place is for. A place to talk about all of the things that astonish and puzzle me. Mostly you will find poetry, short stories, essays about life, photos, and collage (paper and digital). I’m glad you’re here!

When sudden awareness blocks out all that you thought you knew before and everyday things become poetic. From there the story shadows

I tell poetic stories that examine the connection between nature and human nature. Stories of love, rebirth, and longing. Stories of secrets hidden away in seashells and cottages of madness. Not content to limit myself, I ramble through themes and styles with the quiet voice of a conversation at midnight. I hope my poems of solitude can give you a place to rest, away from the noise and chaos of the world.

