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I Love…

…writing poems no one will read

…cookies dipped in coffee

…hotel lobby breakfasts

… My Chemical Romance

…going out for breakfast

…libraries and bookstores

…stationary and office supplies

…Star Wars


…Fall Out Boy


I’m Tired

I’m tired of feeling like I have to hate things.

I’m tired of living in a society I didn’t create full of asshole billionaires who are the only ones with enough money to create things.

I’m tired of living in a society I didn’t create full of capitalistic corporations who only care about making money and not saving the planet or helping the homeless and hungry.

I am tired of never enjoying anything because of who may have given money to a cause I don’t believe in, or who may be making money off of my data, or who is the biggest dick of all the white male dicks who own everything in the world.

I didn’t create this society. I’m doing my best in this society. I’m vocally anti-racist, anti-homophobic/transphobic, open to everyone just being their best selves and living their lives. I don’t eat meat because of factory farming and its impact on the climate. I don’t spray chemicals on my lawn because of its impact on the ground water and the pollinators . I try to consume mindfully. I try to avoid companies who are openly rightwing and hateful. I left Twitter because of Elon.

But I also have to live in this society I didn’t create somehow. I have to eat and consume somehow. I didn’t decide to put everything in plastic and then let that plastic pollute the water and the soil. I didn’t decide to embrace capitalism above human rights. I didn’t decide to concentrate the wealth to the top 1% while everyone else starves.

Yet I do what little one person can do to change that.

But I also get this one life. Just one. Just one time to be here and try to find a little joy. I’m tired of feeling tremendous guilt because my laundry soap is in a plastic bottle. Tremendous guilt because I purchased something frivolous. Tremendous guilt because I use Amazon and Spotify.

And tremendous guilt because I’ve stayed on Instagram and am now enjoying Threads even though Zuck is another horrible rich white man.

I’ve actually really enjoyed Threads. I missed a text based social media. But I feel like I’m supposed to hate it and condemn it. I feel like I’m supposed to live in a society I didn’t create like an ascetic. Give up all worldly joys because someone is making money from it who is probably a terrible person.

I’m tired of never admitting to enjoying anything. I enjoy scrolling Instagram. I enjoy scrolling Threads. I enjoy buying books. I need very little in life. Can’t I enjoy those few things in an awful society that I didn’t create without shame?

Election Thoughts

I understand that the Biden administration has been complicit in the genocide in Gaza. But Trump has said he will be worse. He has said he would bomb them into oblivion.

We have only 2 choices in this election and we must vote. And it is not about the lesser of 2 evils.

It is about abortion rights, women’s rights, LGBTQIA rights, affordable healthcare, no more tax cuts for the rich, preserving our education system, and straight up stopping fascism.

If you don’t vote because of Palestine, you are complicit in their continuing genocide and making things worse for many, many people in your own country. And potentially ending democracy.

Even Bernie Sanders, who has spoken openly about stopping the genocide in Gaza, who is a socialist at heart, and who is always for the people first (and who doesn’t cater to popular opinion) has said that the Biden/Harris administration has been excellent for the American people.He had called Biden a good president. Yes, we must continue to stop the genocide. But it has to start by electing the party who will be open to listening and who hasn’t promised to be a dictator on day one.

Back to School

I went back to school on a whim. I had dealt with the crippling anxiety that had kept me from living my life for a decade. Everyday, I was driving my older daughter to the same community college I had dropped out of 30 years ago (twice) and waiting for her in the parking lot. As I sat staring at the building, I thought, I’m here anyway, maybe I should finish my Associate’s Degree. It felt like something left undone.

Unlike when I was in my teens and twenties, it didn’t seem as important to have a career plan or a “major” for my studies. It was only important that I finish this thing I had started and how fitting that it would be at the same college where I abandoned it, and a bit of myself. I had a vague idea of focusing on writing, but for the most part I was lacking the required courses for an Associate’s in Arts, but I still wanted to take courses in writing as well. Luckily, I could keep all of the old credits I had earned in the past, so I wasn’t starting from scratch.

The first class I signed up for was Creative Writing over the summer, online only. My professor was amazing at communicating and I got really good feedback to improve my writing and to stroke my ego. During office hours she encouraged me to keep writing, that she could see potential there. Pieces I wrote for the class can be found here, here, and here.

My next class was also online only, Women’s Literature taught by an amazing professor around my own age. There was a ton of reading and writing and I’m glad I took just one class that semester. In addition to the assigned short readings, we were to choose two books from her list and read both of those that semester as well. I chose Women Who Run With the Wolves and Poet Warrior. Both life changing for me. Her feedback on my Lorraine Hansberry paper was that it was, “graduate school level writing.” Wow. I had office hours with her that went way beyond the scheduled 30 minutes where she told me she would drag me down the writing road kicking and screaming if she could.

This spring I tried two classes for the first time. One actually in person.

I took Digital Design online with a funky, artsy older woman who was an amazing teacher and gave great feedback and help. I created things I didn’t know I was capable of and it made me want to explore digital design a bit more. My other class was an in-person advanced writing workshop that I didn’t mean to sign up for. I thought I was signing up for a poetry class where we would learn to write poetry. It turned out to be very different from that, but very serendipitous.

(That class and it’s aftermath is actually what I sat down to write about, but since I’ve gotten this far with my college journey, I might as well stay on topic and write about the workshop in detail in a separate post.)

This summer I bit off a bit more that I could chew in taking Statistics (I am so not a mathy person) and Rock and Roll Appreciation, which counted as my fine arts requirement. Summer classes are regular 16 week classes compressed into an 8 week timeframe and I took both of these as online classes. I really should have taken only one course because my summer consisted of 8 weeks of spending all of my spare time (which wasn’t a lot with my older daughter working and needing to be driven to work and my younger daughter going to driver’s ed classes and all of the things that come along with being a mom) trying to figure out Staistics and not giving the other class the time I would have liked to. I really would have enjoyed spending more time with the rock and roll appreciation content since I have been a life long appreciator of rock and roll. Somehow I managed to squeak out an A in statistics which is absolutely crazy to me since I understood nothing.

The thing with all of the online classes I’ve taken (except digital design), is that they are all very heavy on required posts on the discussion boards. I suppose they’re trying to simulate a classroom experience, but it really is no substitute. The requirement is generally one post on a certain topic per week and respond to 1-2 of your classmates. In addition to the other work, for me it’s more of a burden and the responses are generally a generic comment just to get the requirement out of the way. But then, I’m GenX and I would rather just do the work myself and not have to talk to anyone else or collaborate on assignments.

Tomorrow, after only 2 weeks off from the last of my summer assignments, I dive back into another semester. Earth Science for my lab science requirement – the easiest science I could take, and Multicultural American Literature. Both online again. I’m usually a very enthusiastic student. Excited for classes to start, printing out the syllabus, getting my books early to look through them. Not this semester. Even though I find science to be interesting, and earth science especially to be full of curiosities about the world around us, I’m not excited about the level of work required after burning myself out on statistics over the summer. I would usually be very hyped for a literature course, especially one that sounds as interesting as this one, but instead I’m just filled with dread.

Was it burning myself out over the summer? Is it that I’ve taken back to back semesters for the last year? Is it that I’m very good at self sabotaging as I get closer to my goals (after this semester I should only have one more to go and I can get my degree in the spring after 30 years)? Whatever it is, I will of course dive in and do my best, but I’m not my usual excited self about this semester. I’ve enjoyed a couple of weeks of being able to read what I want, create things I enjoy, and work on things that speak to my soul. Maybe the key is finding time for those things along with the school work.

Website Relaunch

Getting this website to a place that makes me happy is always in the back of my mind. Several months ago, I accidentally nuked everything and had to start over which kind of disheartened me. Since going back to school, I also have very little time for creative pursuits. But, I would really like my own place for my writing that doesn’t depend on the whim of a billionaire’s algorithm, so here I am committed to making this my own little writing corner.

Not that I do much writing anymore either. Again, going back to school takes up most of my free time, but hopefully if I can get this place feeling more like home, I’ll be motivated to add some decor in the form of new poems and short stories.

Much more to come soon!