Category journal

Not the Day for Promises

I have come to think that January 1st is a terrible day for new beginnings. It’s like setting ourselves up for failure. In the northern hemisphere, the days are dark and cold and short. We’ve just been through an exhausting…

Let’s Not Forget the Joy

In a long life, if we’re lucky enough to live one, we will go through hard times. Days, weeks, months, hopefully not years, of challenges both big and small. Sometimes the slowly applied weight of small things can crush us…

A Ramble About Living

Things are incredibly stressful right now and have been for several months. Right about the time I decided I wanted to have a blog and to really throw myself back into writing and creating, everything went a little sideways. There…

Little Losses

I have been thinking about all of the little losses we rack up on the journey of life. How many little hits we take to the soul. And how these little dings and hits can sometimes harden us. They can…

A Lifetime of Words

I write poetry because I have never felt like I had the patience to write a novel. Poetry is a quick one off which I usually barely even edit. That’s not a brag. It’s a declaration of my laziness when…

Sideways Days

I have not abandoned my relatively brand new blog. It’s just that there are days that turn everything on its head. Days that slip sideways and by evening the world is tilted a little differently than it was that morning.…