Kelli Anna

Kelli Anna

Bookstores and Bars

After fights with him,I seek comfort inused bookstores,surrounded bypeeling book spines,the words of ghosts, andthe whisper of turned pages.The stories of peoplewho have it worse than I do. He seeks comfort inneighborhood barssurrounded bypeeling beer labels,the laughter of drunks, andthe…

Between Your Lines

I looked for youin the linesof your poetry.I hunted for youin the spaces betweenyour pretty words.I rearranged theletters to tryand form secretmessages meantonly for me.Ultimately, I criedout in anguishwhen I realizedthat there was nothingfor me to readbetween your lines,nothing but…

Word Collector

I call myself a word collector. It’s my hobby much like people who collect rocks, or postcards, or antiques. What does a word collector collect? Poems, quotes, books, passages from books, my own thoughts on paper. I love when someone…

Ceremonies and Rituals

During the wedding ceremony there was a little smiling baby looking over his mom’s shoulder and it made me realize something. here we all were, gathered in this one place – families, couples, babies, kids – to celebrate a wedding.…