Kelli Anna

Kelli Anna


I suppose you were expecting a poem of Thanksgiving. When every meal of cranberry sauce and homemade rolls fades into another memory of another parade, I’m uninspired. Today someone will ask what I’m grateful for. I’ll answer, with a full…

The Value of Motherhood

What does it feel like to raise children in a society that doesn’t honor motherhood? It’s waking up in the middle of the night for years. It’s being puked on and yelled at. It’s driving to play dates and classes…

For the Hell of It

I love the Austin Kleon newsletter because he always links to an artist I have never heard of in a medium I have never really explored. It always leads to somewhere I would have never found on my own.  This…

On Self Criticism

This last week I was listening to an episode Kevin Smith’s podcast where he interviewed Gerard and Mikey Way from My Chemical Romance. The interview is five years old, but one thing I took away from it was something Kevin…

On Creativity

Sometimes I feel like the Internet is full of people trying to sell themselves or build an image. In many ways it seems like creativity has been lost to attention seeking. People will do whatever it takes for the likes,…

A Happiness Collection

I once bought a silly, realistic-looking, plastic rooster. I thought it would be funny to set it by the front door of our new house. As people visited, they obviously noticed the rooster. And thought that it meant I had…

Spring Returns

The promise of spring returns on these gentle wings. We spend most of our time living in suburbia, but most weekends we escape to our cabin in the woods. More small house than cabin, the best feature is it sits…

Between Your Lines

I looked for youin the linesof your poetry.I hunted for youin the spaces betweenyour pretty words.I rearranged theletters to tryand form secretmessages meantonly for me.Ultimately, I criedout in anguishwhen I realizedthat there was nothingfor me to readbetween your lines,nothing but…

Word Collector

I call myself a word collector. It’s my hobby much like people who collect rocks, or postcards, or antiques. What does a word collector collect? Poems, quotes, books, passages from books, my own thoughts on paper. I love when someone…