Kelli Anna

Kelli Anna

Wanderers Are Never Lost

Not all who wander are lost. I’m thinking of this oft quoted phrase this morning because it was printed on the back of my cereal box. Along with a serene photo of people doing yoga. The cereal is good for…

Mary Oliver

You do not have to be good.You do not have to walk on your kneesfor a hundred miles through the desert repenting.You only have to let the soft animal of your bodylove what it loves.Tell me about despair, yours, and…


I suppose you were expecting a poem of Thanksgiving. When every meal of cranberry sauce and homemade rolls fades into another memory of another parade, I’m uninspired. Today someone will ask what I’m grateful for. I’ll answer, with a full…

The Value of Motherhood

What does it feel like to raise children in a society that doesn’t honor motherhood? It’s waking up in the middle of the night for years. It’s being puked on and yelled at. It’s driving to play dates and classes…

For the Hell of It

I love the Austin Kleon newsletter because he always links to an artist I have never heard of in a medium I have never really explored. It always leads to somewhere I would have never found on my own.  This…

2017 Tiny Poems

Let’s go backto the partwhere you thoughtI was beautiful. 1/12/17 My mind can’tthink in poetrywhen the pocketsof silence are shallow. 2/16/17 Pixels I am again enticedto put pen to paper,to transform paper to pixels,to choose pixels to share. To share…

On Self Criticism

This last week I was listening to an episode Kevin Smith’s podcast where he interviewed Gerard and Mikey Way from My Chemical Romance. The interview is five years old, but one thing I took away from it was something Kevin…

On Creativity

Sometimes I feel like the Internet is full of people trying to sell themselves or build an image. In many ways it seems like creativity has been lost to attention seeking. People will do whatever it takes for the likes,…

Write About the Cicadas

Write about the cicadas. Write about how the sunlighting the top of a morning cloudmakes you almost believe in heaven. Write about how the soundof the wind in the leavesmakes you want to weep. Write about hunger.Write about discontent.Write about…