Kelli Anna

Kelli Anna

Website Relaunch

Getting this website to a place that makes me happy is always in the back of my mind. Several months ago, I accidentally nuked everything and had to start over which kind of disheartened me. Since going back to school,…

The Lore of the Goddess

I. It was like a thousand tiny realizations exploded into the night sky, like fireworks or the birth of galaxies. A thousand pinpricks of light that became the constellations I alone could name, from legends I alone could write. A…

Bottled Up Wishes

We once drank starlight from fluted champaign glasses, on a balcony overlooking the lives of ten million people. We poured love into each other’s ears and let the sheets pool onto the floor as the streetlights threw shadows over bare…


Logan had just gotten a haircut that morning. He’d called his friend Aisha and made plans to meet her for lunch next week. He’d bought his dog a new leash and collar and told Aisha he was going to take…

Ink Stains

It was the way everything was ending. The way everything was over before I could fully appreciate the beauty of it all. The lights, the stage, the audience, the way they hung on every word. Over. Time to return to…

The Letter

Dearest Ward, How the years have passed by and changed us both. How the time has made us into who we are today. We have lived lives unimaginable and now we are within sight of the finish line. What a…

Fresh Sheets

Around a campfire in what used to be a city, in what is now the rubble of civilization, four survivors sit. Eating the rat meat they’ve cooked over the fire and a few rations of packaged vegetable substitute. Grimacing as…

Cottonwood Seeds

I’ll follow you as cottonwoodseeds follow the wind. May into June,sun into moon, I will follow you throughgreen wood, to wherethe river meets the field.There I will lie with yousoft as cottonwood seedsdrifting over your skin,light as a kiss in…

Norwegian Snow

I mourn for things I will never know –how a mustache would feel against my lips,how a walk in the Norwegian snowwould freeze my January fingertips. How a mustache would feel against my lips,and how the Norway Northern lights would…


I wish I could invite you into an aesthetic. We could sit in a white room on a blush couch free of crumbs and random letters. Drink sweet tea in matching cups, served on a wooden tray without stains of…